Creative Director Marcos Orlando | Camera Marcos Orlando
The LoopMag Productions Cameras | Lucien Edwards & @Third.pupil | Creative Director Kyron B | Mua & Sheena V | Models Valerie Cullen & Sara Jessica | Wardrobe Stylists Kimmie A
Q. What inspired you to start your brand ?
A. At the time of making music back in 2007-2010, the clothes that represented me as an artist didn’t exist. I had my own ideas, and began to create my own clothing back in 2010 circa.
Q. We know you play the lead position in your brands marketing. What came first photography, graphic design, or designing clothing?
A. Designing & styling came first. When it came down to shooting the product, I had to hire photographers and find models that I wanted to represent my brand. I had my own ideas for photo shoots so I eventually started shooting my looks in 2012 circa. I started having pop-up shops in exclusive locations to sell my clothes. I needed a name for my pop-up shop, so it was called Secret Location temporarily until it became Underground Fashion House in 2014.
Q. What are some of the brands you carry and whats your method of choosing those brands ?
A. I create brands to connect. Each brand connects to a different audience. I imagine each brand being a pill, having its own purpose. Underground Fashion House is pretty much a pill box for the brands. Brands by MARCOS ORLANDO: U-NIQUE, GUTTER, PROTOTYPE, PIZZA, CUCCI, GIVEN, NADA, CELINA, RAZA, DIOS, BVRGLARI, POOR HOMME, JOE PESCI, PUCCINI, CARNAL, GUTS, BLOCKHUSTLER, BEAST, WINE CELLAR|PRIVATE STOCK, FUJIKO, ESTEE VATO.
Q.Who would you say your targeted shopper is ?
A. It varies. The customers I’ve had are always creative, ambitious, and very passionate. Ages are usually 18-38 years old.
Q. Whats a day in the life like in the world of Underground Fashion House ?
A. It is currently in the renovating process. I want it to become what is was intended to be, which is a design & style showroom. Also making the pieces available for purchase.
Q. Any upcoming plans in fashion with UFH ?
A. After putting aside my designs and not shooting my creative concepts for almost 2 years. I plan on coming back stronger, more focused, and tactful.
Q. How was it working with Alien Outfitters ?
A. I love working with Alien Outfitters, the owner Ana is a genius. She is very inspiring, and I definitely love collaborating with her company.
Q. Any plans on designing a mens line ?
A. Originally ,I designed menswear. Women seemed to be the pre-dominate customer. They cleaned the rack . We constantly got requests for women clothing so eventually I made pieces for females. I design for both.
Q. Is your brands hometown embracing your style of fashion ?
A. Since starting my brands, its influenced many fashion lines and brands to be born. Its changed the way people shoot photos, design clothes, present their brands, and even packaging. Some love it, some are threatened by it. However, I do get support.
Q. How was it working with our team ?
A. I am excited to work with The Loop Mag. The communication, the organization, vision, and direction is on point. Your team understands creativity, and innovation. I hope to continue working with The Loop Mag platform.
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