When I wrote Shag, I had no intention of making it my first single. I was actually a bit taken back by how different my sound was. I thought of all the negative feedback and rejections I might possibly encounter. Then I came to my senses. I couldn’t care less who doesn’t approve of my creations. As with my modeling career… I am in love with me. I am a free spirit !
The production/writing session occurred in the bedroom. The first home studio of August Grey. He’s the everything, by the way. AG produced my entire first- and part of my second project. Well, with the exception of the introduction track which was Larrin Granderson (Soule Jukebox) along with Levy and myself on the guitar. Ya! I co-produce, engineer and arrange. I’m blessed, so I utilize my abilities. So, Miscellaneous it’s literally a foreshadowing of my life. Words are powerful! Be careful what you say and write. Each track was free styled: August/Larrin created a track, I went into the booth, and ta-da! We love this. We do this!
Back to “Shag”:
I literally wrote the treatment for the visual over a two day period while I was working, driving (no worries, I made voice notes on my phone), out people watching… living. . During this time racial issues were again at a peak. I decided to create an interracial relationship so that the relevance of this visual would have longevity while serving as entertainment. Once I felt confident about my treatment, I consulted with Fitz Burkendale, the director of “Shag”. We then decided to add the element of a 1950s theme. During this decade, interracial relationships were still fairly taboo, yet common. You see where I’m going with this? Super.
All-in-all, “Shag” is about passion, fantasy and the realization of pleasure on various levels. It is perfectly fine to feel sexy, to be in touch with yourself and your partner regardless of race, gender, beliefs, etc. I do hope that my single- and all of my music provide a sense of Self for my listeners. Thank you for listening. I love you.
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