Swimwear designer Kasia Roginska has been boldly making her statements in the world of fashion! Karo Swimwear has made appearances on platforms such as Cosmopolitan, Sports Illustrated Swim Suit, Glamor,Vogue, Elle, and Lifestyle Magazines.
Karo Swimwear has recently released the views of their “SS18” line at Palm Beach Swim Week August 25th! We had the pleasure of chatting with Kasia about her brand and its development!
1. Describe your creative process and how you draw inspiration.
I love creating. This is my “thing” ! I don’t have an actual description of how it happens. It just does…
Ideas always crowd my mind and in my free time I gather all of my thoughts and start to design. As far as inspiration goes, I encounter interesting high fashion garments, cuts and details. They stay on my mind. Then when I sit down and create. Things happen spontaneously. It’s a little fashion art!
2. Name some accomplishments you are proud of in your career?
Hmm it’s a tough question! Each of my 4 years in creating swimwear were great. It has been a learning process. I take all of them as accomplishments due to all the positive feedback I receive. I get some critique, and take that as tips to improve my designs. Sometimes things don’t go as planned but that makes me more stubborn to get up and do something more exciting. I’m very proud of all the beautiful magazines that published my creations. I’m proud of meeting all amazing people I work with such as models, photographers, makeup artists and hair stylists. They became part of my team.A part of my life… and for that I’m grateful.
3.What’s your favorite part of being a designer?
My favorite part is creating! Taking a piece of fabric and making a beautiful fashion statement. Then seeing it for the first time on the model makes me almost cry. It’s like seeing it come to life.
4.Where could you see yourself and your brand in 5-10 years?
This is very tough to answer, but of course I have my goals. Taking one step at time, I see my creations in luxury boutiques. This is my big dream and I’m slowly reaching out for it. One day I want to have my own boutique, maybe 2.
5. How do you prepare for events such as Palm Beach Swim Week?
I reach out to Bloggers, Magazines, work with PR companies, use social media etc…
I like to be in control and that’s a bit much sometimes but I make it work. I try my best to show everyone what I do and hope they fall in love with it.
6. What advice can you give people getting into the fashion field?
The advice I would give is to have patience. Love it with all your heart, and then good things will happen. Be persistent, creative, full of surprises!
7.How do you feel about sustainability as it relates to fashion and the Swimwear market?
Unfortunately trends come and go and people buy what’s in style. Then what doesn’t sell go to landfills. I try to create timeless pieces. Things that can be and stay “in style”. I try creating something that’s not on the market yet. That’s why on my website there’s several designs that I created 4 years ago and people still like them. Trends go in cycles. I see things I’ve worn as a teenager come back and that makes me smile actually. I think this will always be an issue.
Shop KARO Swimwear
Photographer Mathieu Jean
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