We were honored to receive the invite to “Meet the bloggers” event at South Park Malls Gap store. This event Hosted shoppers to be styled by Charlottes elite fashion bloggers and stylists. Shoppers had the privilege to think less of what to buy and get help with those difficult decisions we have to make while picking out the perfect item. Our fashion rep Kimmie cased the floor and got to know the bloggers upclose and personal. The timing for this event seemed even more appropriate when shoppers discovered the 50% off sale throughout the store.

Lets “ Meet The Bloggers” !

Male Fashion Blogger, Chad Whittington, stood his ground on the floor prepared to style. Chad is a Charlotte native who has made his mark in charlottes mens blogging. His experience as a tour manager for bands helped him develop his fashion uniform. Chad is combined of urban street wear mixed with curated suit separates and vintage thrift pieces. Chad works with GQ Insider as well as providing his own blog. Having Chad on the front lines for the Gap shopper was a great advantage.

Tessa Machen Is a Lifestyle and Health blogger in the city of Charlotte who has become respected and well known for her work. Tessa is a creative with many talents. She also has a blog which we advise you to visit. Tessa has recently signed with a modeling agency and is inspired to assume a modeling career. She Controlled the floor with exciting energy and experience adding comfort to a shoppers night at The Gap.

Emily Fee is a mom blogger in the city of Charlotte. She handled the Gap Kids section for the night. This was perfect ! It’s a great advantage as a new parent to have this bonus during shopping for your child. So many parents have difficulties styling their new child and wanting everything perfect. “Decisions ,Decisions ” ! Well ,this was the night where it was made easy for the unsure parent to have the professional help needed. Emily has a website helping knowledge seeking parents, shopping for they’re bundles of joy. Please check her out !

Brandon Rashad Is a Male fashion and lifestyle blogger. Brandon has proven to be sharp in his craft in style. He has worked with GQ insider as well. Brandon knows what it takes to pull off the perfect look for any occasion. Not only for himself, but for his client as well . To top it all off, he has a great eye for photography and does an amazing job on either side of the camera.

The Gap has picked a well rounded  squad to handle this nights event. We suggest everyone get to know the bloggers in your city. They are here to help you solve your fashion,Lifestyle, and health questions and give you a different point of view!






Camera  Lucien E  |   Wardrobe Stylist  Kimmie A



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