Cameras Gerrel Welch & Lucien Edwards | Creative Director Kyron B | Wardrobe Kimmie A | Mua Sheena V & Khiana Morton
Hair Sheena V

In a city where there’s more and more camera’s flashing , models becoming muses , and fashion on the rise. We as a company concentrate on looking for the undiscovered. There is nothing like a new face. We would never forget the fast paste, energetic day we spent out in the city pulling attire for our upcoming easter shoot. We couldn’t help but to lock our eyes on this girl. She was what we needed. She stood at the thrift shops counter with a look of confusion on her face, trying to understand what the cashier was saying to her. Come to find out, she couldn’t speak fluent english. Prior to knowing this, I thought it was just pure art and I was perfect ! Out of desperation, I said to our fashion lead Kimmie ….“ GO GET HER NOW “…..! We laugh about that this very day. This is just what we needed. Not only for our upcoming shoot , But to mold the face of our company as to what we are all about. She is Masha… ! An exchange student from Moscow who has lived quite a few places in the states for the last year or so including New York. She has the most vibrant , fresh , Loopy look as well as character we searched and prayed for ! Masha is also a photographer which makes it so easy ! She Gets It !
Throughout the promotional growth leading up to our first issue, Masha has left her foot prints on our visual make up of a team. It is only right we display her magic as “Moscow on The Loop!”

Written by Kyron B

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